Problems of Emigration of Russian-Speaking Israelis in the Context of Israel's Political Situation: Myths and Reality |
06.06.2012, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
Recently, there has been a surge of interest in topics connected to the local Russian-speaking community. The pretext for the discussion was the report of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (JPPPI), which had been presented to the Knesset Committee on Aliyah and Absorption on May 22, 2012. According to this report, approximately 80 thousand Russian-speaking citizens of Israel, who initially arrived in the country in the 1990s, have now emigrated out of it again. The authors of the report and the members of the committee hold the opinion, widely circulated in Israel's media, that the main reason for this deflux was that these people were not accepted as Jews in Israel, and that their economic problems played a much smaller part. |
A Political Portrait of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress |
28.04.2012, Communities of Eurasia |
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (hereinafter referred to as EAJC) immediately after its appearance on the international arena of Jewish life in 2001 attracted attention of those, who closely observed the life of the Jewish Diaspora since the objective of the Congress was to meet the needs of numerous and diverse Jewish communities of the region. |
Political Parties and Groups among the Jews of Poland and Western Ukraine in 1919–1939 |
26.04.2012, Education |
From the editor: the political spectrum of the Jewish organizations that emerged in Poland between the two wars became to a large degree the main factor in forming the range of views and opinions of the future of the Jewish life not only in the Diaspora but even in the yishuv. Therefore, we thought the political life of the Polish Jews in the above-mentioned years is of more than just regional significance and would be of interest to our readers. |
Jews of India: Past and Present |
17.04.2012, Education |
The number of several thousand Jews living in India is incommensurable with the almost 1.5 billion population of this country. One could assume that Jewish people remained unnoticed in the life of such a big South Asian sub-continent but let us assure you that such conclusion is at odds with reality. The Jews of India did not only create several unique versions of the Jewish religious and cultural model that developed in the unusual for the Jewish history Hindu-Muslim environment, but they also claimed their right to be fully-fledged element of the Indian society, at least, in the states of Maharashtra and Kerala. |
Attack on Student of Kyiv Yeshiva: Versions Currently Being Investigated |
15.04.2012, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
The tragic incident that happened on April 8th to a Kyiv yeshiva student had immediately become the focus of attention both for the community and the mass media. As the incident led to heavy, life-threatening physical trauma for the young man, and as it received such a wide resonance, it is very important to leave aside emotions and unfounded fantasies, and use the information given to us by the law enforcement agencies and other sources to attempt to reconstruct what actually took place. |
Auto-Integration: Modern Posing of Jewish Question |
12.04.2012, Education |
''I believe that intelligent people of good will are unlikely to argue against the above formulated principles. I am sure that their sincere acceptance will help solve many difficult problems – the integration between Jewish people, the integration between the Jewish people and the world, and the finding of peace for the State of Israel. '' |