US Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest Israeli-Palestinian shuttle: what are the results ? |
02.07.2013 |
After an intensive round of shuttle diplomacy last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that gaps have been significantly narrowed, but no agreement yet on terms for resuming Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. After an intensive round of shuttle diplomacy last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that gaps have been significantly narrowed, but no agreement yet on terms for resuming Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. |
Anti-Semitism in Moldova (2009 – 2012) |
12.06.2013, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
Due to the difficult Moldovan political and social situation in recent years compared to the situation in the mid-2000s, incidents of anti-Semitism, particularly vandalism, have become more frequent. Moldova also seems to display tendencies to justify or even glorify the actions of Romanian radical right or Fascist figures from the 1930-1940, such as Ion Antonescu or Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. |
Anti-Israeli Acts and Statements in Post-Soviet Territory During the Pillar of Defense Operation |
23.05.2013, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
As the Pillar of Defense operation was fairly short-term, with (relatively) few victims and a great precision of strikes on the side of Israel, which led to a minimum of losses among Palestinian civilians, it did not provoke such an outburst of anti-Semitic activity as the larger Cast Lead operation, which took place in December 2008 – January 2009. However, it was still cause for a number of anti-Israeli statements in the media, some of which included direct anti-Semitic clichés. Evidence also began to appear that FSU Muslims are beginning to listen to anti-Israeli propaganda. |
Anti-Semitism in Russia - 2011-2012 EAJC report |
07.05.2013, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
In 2011-2012, the level of crimes committed out of anti-Semitism remained relatively low in Russia. Over a period of 2 years, 5 incidents of attacks, 1 insult, and 38 cases of vandalism were recorded. If we compare this statistic to that of leading Western countries, we can even say that Russia is a relatively “calm” spot. |