Analysis: Egypt becoming a nightmare for Muslim Brotherhood |
02.04.2013 |
The threat of civil war appears all too real in Egypt amid economic, social and political crisis, yet Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood surge blindly on, not ready to let go of the golden prize achieved after nearly a century. |
Knesset Elections: New Coalition, Old Problems |
29.01.2013 |
The results of the early Knesset elections that had taken place on January 22 were published on January 24, and have convincingly demonstrated the polarity of views in modern Israeli society. Analysts have been talking about serious transformations happening before our eyes in the political structures of the State of Israel. |
The Logic of a Scandal and Nuremberg Laws |
22.01.2013, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
The last weeks of 2012 went out with a loud scandal concerning the anti-Semitic remarks of a second-tier Ukrainian politician. The resonance from this private remark was so wide that the discussion quickly became international, and Ukraine once more made the headlines of global media – naturally, as these stories tend to go, it was shown in a rather unsightly manner. |
Jewish Studies at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy |
13.09.2012, Education |
Oleksiy Khamrai, Doctor of Philology, Head of Master’s Program in Jewish Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy speaks on the Jewish Studies program recently opened in NaUKMA. |
On Symptoms – Important, Yet Secondary Things |
04.09.2012 |
This was a brilliant provocation. The so-called legislative initiative “On the Foundations of State Language Policy” had, of course, been a distraction, an incredibly stinky smoke screen, something like the red cape, used by the agile matador, sword already raised, to distract the bull. The “language question” is not the cause of the disease, but a mere symptom – but we are so often more interested in the symptoms (such as a rash) than their cause (metabolic activity, if not syphilis). This is why, even though the causes are more important, this article is about the symptoms – things which are important, yet secondary, or, to use a fashionable word, derivatives. |
Kirill and Gavriil: the Media, the Teaching of the Church, and “Blood Libel” |
29.08.2012, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
[...] Let the mistake of using the Russian imperial administrative territorial division in the context of the XVII century be on the heads of the journalists, even though this mistake is in many ways telling. But blood libel in the news of the leading Russian state channel is harder to let pass. Even the loyal Federation of Jewish Communities of Russian (FJCR) has expressed its “great surprise and disappointment at the unprofessional and bizarre comment of the “Russia 24” channel, one of the leading Russian media outlets, on the visit of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All the Rus' Kirill to the Nikolsky Cathedral Church in the city of Belostok.” |
What are we doing in a concentration camp? |
14.06.2012, Education |
The European Football Championship, which is into its second week in Poland and Ukraine, is quite amply showing that there is no sport without politics. But the championship had not even begun yet when the scandalous exchange of infuriated retorts between the leaders of the German national team and the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Dieter Graumann took place. |