Euroasian Jewish News
The Russian Diaspora Union congratulates Jewish organizations on the 15th anniversary of their legal activity.
19.01.2004  The Russian Diaspora Union
Respected Colleagues!
Dear Friends!
The Jewish communities of Russia were among the pioneers in forming national-public organizations in the country during the perestroika period of the 1980s.
And it is evident. It is a unique achievement of a great nation to survive and preserve national identity without having its own state for over two thousand years.
Over the years, the nation has resided in dozens of states and contributed to the world’s economy in ways difficult to measure.
And today, the long-suffering nation has reacquired its Fatherland, and world Jewry should be filled with new pride for its achievements.
Anti-Semitism has always been a degenerative policy, a barometer used to prevent the rise of xenophobia in many parts of the world. The Jewish Diaspora today occupies an adequate place in the life of our state.
The chairs of Jewish communities have made their special contributions to creating the Russian Diaspora Union (formerly known as the Congress of the National Association of Russia).
Presently, the Jewish representation in the RDU is the most active and contributive.
Please allow me, on behalf of all national representations in the RDU, to congratulate you, my dear friends, on this glorious jubilee. I wish you stability and happiness in the future.
V. Mushegian,RDU President, RAHS academicianJanuary 15, 2004, Moscow