Georgians Happy to See Israelis, and Disinterested in Russians
Georgians Happy to See Israelis, and Disinterested in Russians
Advisor to the Georgian Embassy Alexander Kipiani told that the interest of Israelis to Georgia is growing, and is not hindered by the "Russian aggression" in August 2008. Now you have to put this relationship on a more serious economic
The event on the Independence Day of Georgia, in the hotel "Dan Panorama" was attended by hundreds of diplomats, academicians, businessmen and MPs. The organizers acknowledge that the number of guests was amazing. Against the background of a noisy and joyous "hangouts," the absence of the Russian diplomatic mission was noticeable. "Of course, we did not invite them," said Alexander Kipiani, who has worked in Israel for almost three years as counselor of the embassy. "There are no diplomatic relations between us, so according to the protocol, we do not invite them. There is nothing personal, no resentment,
because all the diplomats know the rules of the game."
The main point is that the number of guests was impressive, - this is the main thesis of Alexander Kipiani. "This shows that the interest of Israelis in Georgia is increasing. During the Russian aggression in the past year we have seen that in Israel we were supported particularly warmly, and the community of Georgia expatriates has been very active. We reported all this to Tbilisi, and you can be sure, they are very well aware of the mood among the people of Israel."
Now Kipiani and the new ambassador Vahtang Jaoshvili hope to strengthen economic ties between the countries. In 2008, Israeli exports to Georgia exceeded $ 130 million, but in the opposite direction - a total of only 2 million dollars. In order to develop trade relations, the Georgian embassy is planning the exchange of delegations. "I hope that before the end of the year we will manage to hold a big business forum in Israel. It could give a considerable boost to our economy. We would like to see Israeli tourists in Georgia."
At the moment the Israelis are investing in Georgian real estate, infrastructure and agriculture. "After the exhibition Agritech 2009, more business relations are being established in agriculture, which is assisted by MASHAV. In addition, our medicine scientists treat your professionals with a great respect, and are always ready to learn, and I know that in this area too, there is tight cooperation," noted the Georgian diplomat.