A solemn ceremony of donation of the great Jewish writer's works published in Azerbaijanian to Beit Sholom-Aleichem has taken place in Tel-Aviv.
President of STMEGI International Fund Dr. German Zaharyev emphasized that he would remember this meeting in the year of the 150th anniversary of Sholom Aleichem's birth and the 70th anniversary of his father, Rashbil Zaharyev, a well-known in Azerbaijan journalist dreaming who dreamed of seeing Sholom Aleichem's works in Azerbaijanian.
Museum's Director Prof. Avraam Novershteyn accepted a donation gratefully, Azerbaijanian being the 17th language this book was translated into among 8,500 Sholom Aleichem's works kept in the museum stock.
"I am surprised that the project has been realized in Azerbaijan, a Muslim country, and it will definitely bring peoples of two states together. We have doubted until recently but you have rendered impossible, and millions of Azerbaijanians all over the world will get acquainted with the heritage of the Jewish literature's great classic," the Museum's Director stated.
Upon that, he rewarded Herman Zaharyev with an honorary diploma for a contribution made to preservation of Sholom Aleichem's heritage.