MPs in Hitler's native Austria on Wednesday approved contributing six million euros ($8.0 million) to help conserve the Auschwitz former Nazi death camp in Poland.
Germany has also earmarked 60 million euros, the United States $15 million, Poland 10 million euros, Britain 2.5 million pounds ($3.9 million) and Israel 3.6 million shekels ($0.9 million) for the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation.
The camp covers an area of 200 hectares (495 acres) with 155 preserved buildings and 300 ruins. Around 1.3 million people died there between 1940 and 1945 including 1.1 million Jews from all over Europe.
At present, the maintenance of the camp, visited annually by almost a million people, depends largely on four-five million euros every year from the Polish government.
The wooden buildings deteriorate quickly in the area's humid, swampy soil, and thousands of personal effects belonging to Auschwitz prisoners and exhibited in the museum also require regular care.