Israel fails to garner support for Goldstone quash
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to convince Europe to quash the resolution on the UN-mandated Goldstone report, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Friday.
The vote on the resolution at the UN Human Rights Council is expected to go ahead Friday afternoon in Geneva, with Palestinian Human Rights organizations and diplomats working around the clock to garner support in order to adopt South African Justice Richard Goldstone’s report on war crimes allegations.
The report, which examined the events leading up to and during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, found evidence of possible war crimes and crimes against humanity, and suggested either independent or International Criminal Court investigations take place.
According to the Haaretz report, Netanyahu held meetings and telephone conversations with British, French, Dutch and Spanish officials, including a 15-minute one with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, where he reportedly attempted to talk the senior diplomat of that the report was “ridiculous” and caused Palestinians to “refuse negotiations.” According to the report he even asked Ban to declare publically Israel’s right to defend itself.
"I have recorded your position, but I cannot intervene," Ban told the Israeli leader.
The response was similar from other leaders; Britain’s Gordon Brown allegedly refused to change his expected abstention to an opposition vote. Netanyahu then asked US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to talk to the Prime Minister, who also had little success.
According to reports British Foreign Minister David Miliband explained to Clinton that President Mahmoud Abbas would pay the price for a failed motion.