World Jewish News
Torahthon and Shavuot in Ulyanovsk |
17.06.2011, Community Life |
his year over 30 Jews came to the synagogue in Ulyanovsk to participate in a “Torahthon,” where they studied from 6:00 p.m. until midnight. Ten people even stayed up all night, as is customary, until 6:00 a.m. |
New Torah for Omsk Synagogue |
06.06.2011, Community Life |
The Omsk Synagogue has received a new Torah scroll, written thanks to the joint efforts of Omsk Jews living in different parts of the world! The date for its completion and welcoming the new Torah scroll was scheduled for an auspicious day, Lag B'Omer. |
Being Jewish in Belarus |
30.05.2011, Community Life |
Avraham spent three years in the yeshivah, during which he traveled back east to Russia each Passover and summer to help run a boys’ overnight camp, as part of his yeshivah training. |
Zhitomir Jews Honor Veterans |
20.05.2011, Community Life |
The Jewish community of Zhitomir – a leading member of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine – recently held a gathering to honor its World War II veterans. Held at the Jewish Community Center, this event took place on the eve of Victory Day. |
Jewish Youth Seminar in Perm |
18.05.2011, Community Life |
Over the weekend of May 6-9, the Chabad Lubavitch Ohr Avner Jewish Community Center in Perm hosted an inter-regional youth seminar entitled “Judaism - the Light of Friendship and Understanding.” |
Israeli Deputy Minister Visits Moscow JCC |
03.05.2011, Community Life |
Israel’s Deputy Minister of Health, Yaakov Litsman, who is currently in Moscow to attend the World Forum of Health Ministers, paid a visit to the Moscow Jewish Community Center in the Marina Roscha neighborhood. |